DELL 0XP518 ML6000 Library Base Module, up to 41 slots

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On demand
Price net of VAT: 0,00 €
incl. VAT. / plus shipping costs.
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Technical data
Installation - Video
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Technical data
Manufacturer DELL
Model 0XP518
Service offered Repair – Your device is fixed and extensively tested within 3 to 5 business days. More...
Standard Warranty for the purchase6 months
Standard Warranty for the repair or the advanced exchange12 months
Tape DrivesUp to 2x LTO FH tape Drives
Supported tape drive generationsLTO-3 FH, LTO-4 FH, LTO-5 FH, LTO-6 FH, LTO-7 FH (FC), LTO-8 FH (FC), LTO-9 FH
InterfaceSAS, FC
Cartridge Slotsmax. 41
Capacity (native / compressed)Depends on the generation of the tape drive (native / compressed)
Form Factor19"
Rackmount capable?Yes (the rackmount-kit must be ordered separately)

  • EU Responsible
  • Dell GmbH
  • Unterschweinstiege 10, 60549 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
  • +496997927350
  • Manufacturer
  • DELL
  • +18772753355
Installation video from our experts:
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