IBM 96-4040-02 3581-H17 LTO-1 Autoloader, 7 Slots, 700GB-1400GB

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Price net of VAT: 774,79 €
incl. VAT. / plus shipping costs.
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Technical data
Installation - Video
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Technical data
Manufacturer IBM
Model 96-4040-02
Service offered Repair – Your device is fixed and extensively tested within 3 to 5 business days. More...
Warranty90 days
Tape Drives1
Cartridge Slots7
Capacity (native / compressed)700 GB / 1,4 TB
Form Factor19"
Rackmount capable?Yes (the rackmount-kit must be ordered separately)

  • EU Responsible
  • IBM Deutschland GmbH
  • Schönaicher Str. 220, 71032 Böblingen, Germany
  • +49 800 225 5426
  • Manufacturer
  • IBM
  • New Orchard Road 1, 105041722 Armonk, New York, USA
  • +1-800-426-4968
Installation video from our experts:
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